Home Blog Our mobile coffee highlights of 2016

Our mobile coffee highlights of 2016

It’s been another busy year for The Barista, packed full of mobile coffee bars, long journeys, early starts, hectic roasts, bustling events, thirsty customers and more coffee than we can even begin thinking about. And it’s been a blast!

We asked the team about what they’ve enjoyed over the past 12 months.

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What’s been your biggest highlight of 2016?

Ed: ‘Learning to roast has been a huge highlight for me. It’s a completely new skill to me but something I’ve always been interested in so getting to understand more about it has been great. All in all, it has been a fantastic first full year for me as part of Team TB.’

Michael: ‘There have been so many, but I’d say my top highlights were becoming part of The Barista team and going to work in Copenhagen; it is the best place I’ve been to. Copenhagen is amazing, everything about the place is beautiful and quality flows through everything they do… including the food! ’

Alex: ‘Copenhagen was a highlight for me too. It’s a great place to work, there are loads of cool coffee shops and the event we worked at went really well. I’ve got my fingers crossed for a 2017 visit.’


Any particularly memorable moments from the year?

Ed: ‘When we were in Vienna we couldn’t get into a restaurant without a reservation because it was too busy. One of the team, Callum (a Millwall fan), noticed that the owner had a Millwall F.C. tattoo and after a quick chat about their team we got a table straight away, jumbo sized food, beers and even some free t-shirts!’

Michael: ‘As embarrassing as it was, it is probably when I was mopping up a water spillage without realising that the tap had been left on so I was just mopping up a flowing stream of water! Everyone in the office was laughing away!’

Alex: ‘I was surprised by the team with a set of Acaia Pearl scales for Christmas, which will be great for next year helping us improve the quality of our service further’


What are you looking forward to in 2017?

Matt: ‘I’m excited to go bigger and better – bigger weeks, bigger events, more countries and cities, and maybe even venture outside Europe.’

Ed: ‘I’m looking forward to going back to the same clients that I worked with for the first time and working with them again. I’m also looking forward to cracking on with roasting and being involved with creating the next blend.’

Michael: ‘I can’t wait to visit more places I’ve never been to before. There are so many cities that I would love to visit and heard about from some of the team. Really looking forward to heading up some big events and earning my stripes. I’m also excited to keep learning how to roast and taking on new responsibilities.’

Alex: ‘Using my new Acaia Pearl Scales at an event and getting more hands on in the roastery. We have a massive year ahead of us so I’m looking to taking on more responsibility and smashing it the way Team TB always do!’

Find out a little bit more about The Barista over on our team page.

Want our lovely team at your next event? Get in touch with us via email or give us a call on 0845 257 5900.


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