Home Blog Why no coffee is better than bad coffee at your industry event

Why no coffee is better than bad coffee at your industry event

We’ve all heard the phrase ‘if something’s worth doing, then it’s worth doing properly.’ And while as kids we may have shrugged off the phrase, we’ve come to truly appreciate the sentiment behind it.

In the world of events and corporate hospitality, there’s really no point in showing up unless you’re going to give it 100%. When you’re shoulder to shoulder with the competition, doing things by halves will only succeed in presenting you as the weaker option.

Be this your key note presentation or the drinks you serve immediately afterwards, the same principle applies; execute it poorly and it will reflect negatively on your brand. But deliver something exceptional and you will stand out from the rest.



This is precisely the reason we offer the mobile coffee service that we do.

We’re not perfectionists for the sake of it. We serve excellent coffee because we are representing our clients’ brands and this is something we take very seriously. The quality of our service will always reflect positively on your brand.

Although refreshments may feel like finer details, we’re firm believers that if you’re going to serve coffee, make it a fantastic coffee. No half measures, no weak flavour, and certainly no instant granules! Just well-made coffee that reflects the quality of your brand.

The best bit about it is that excellent refreshments don’t have to come at any extra effort to your team, as we take care of the whole process. Our friendly baristas meet, greet and ply your prospects with trusty caffeine while you get on with running a successful event.

A delicious coffee isn’t going to make or break your biggest sale, but it can certainly help you set the best possible first impression. It’s surely better than serving something average, right?

Our outstanding service at trade shows and exhibitions is why our clients book us time after time. Find out how we could add to your next event, and get in touch with the team.


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