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How long does coffee last? Your guide to coffee storage

We’re passionate about serving up the perfect cup of coffee at events throughout the UK. But, we know many of our clients and people we meet are coffee enthusiasts who want to enjoy great coffee at home too. One common question around coffee is, “How long does coffee last?” It’s an important question – proper storage can make all the difference between a delicious brew and a lacklustre cup!

Today, we’re taking a look at coffee storage, answering the most commonly asked questions about keeping your coffee beans and grounds fresh. Read on to discover how to make the most of your coffee at home.

How long does coffee last?

How long do coffee beans last once opened?

The clock starts ticking as soon as you’ve opened a bag of coffee beans. Typically, they’ll stay at their best for 2-4 weeks after opening, as long as they’re stored correctly. For the best flavour, keep your coffee beans in an airtight container well away from light, moisture or heat. While beans might be safe to use after this, the flavour will gradually deteriorate as they go stale. Try to use them within a month of opening for the freshest taste.

How long do roasted coffee beans last?

If left unopened and in their original packaging, roasted coffee beans can maintain their quality for up to 12 months. However, once the seal is opened, it’s best to use them within a month for the best taste.

How long do coffee beans last after grinding?

After grinding, coffee loses its freshness a lot faster than whole beans. Once coffee is ground, it begins to oxidise, which affects its flavour and aroma. We’d recommend using ground coffee straight away – ideally within 15 minutes of grinding.

Coffee you grind at home will typically lose freshness faster than pre-ground beans bought from a shop. If you need to pre-grind your coffee beans for future use, make sure you store the ground coffee in an airtight container in a cool, dry place and try to use it within a week.

How long do coffee beans last in the freezer / fridge?

Freezing coffee beans is a big topic among coffee experts. While it can extend the life of your beans, it could also affect the flavour if done incorrectly. If you do choose to freeze your coffee beans, they could last up to 3-4 months in the freezer.

Make sure you:

  • Use an airtight container
  • Remove as much air as possible before sealing
  • Freeze in small batches to avoid repeated thawing

While many may think storing coffee in the fridge makes sense, we don’t recommend it. Not only can the humidity ruin the flavour, but because coffee absorbs odours, it can also absorb the aromas of other items in your fridge, making for an unpleasant cup.

How long do coffee grounds last?

If you’ve bought pre-ground coffee from a shop or a coffee roaster, always check the ‘best by’ date on the package, which is a good indicator of when the coffee is at its peak flavour. When stored properly in an airtight container, pre-bought ground coffee can maintain its flavour for around 1-2 weeks – slightly longer than coffee you’ve freshly ground at home. After this, it will still be safe to drink but might start to lose its taste and aroma.

How long do coffee beans last in an airtight container?

An airtight container is key to preserving coffee freshness. When stored in an airtight container, away from both light and heat, whole coffee beans can maintain their quality for about 2-4 weeks after opening.

For the best results, go for a container that’s opaque or tinted to protect the coffee beans from light. Ceramic or non-reactive metal containers are also great choices. Try to avoid clear glass or plastic containers which allow light in and can cause the beans to lose quality faster.

Tips for maximising coffee freshness

Great coffee usually starts with fresh beans. While proper brewing techniques are important, even a skilled barista can’t salvage stale coffee. Here are our practical tips for maintaining your coffee’s quality so you can enjoy the best flavour in every cup:

  • When possible, buy whole coffee beans and grind them just before brewing for the best freshness and flavour.

  • Only buy what you know you’ll use. While it’s tempting to stock up, your coffee will begin to lose flavour as soon as it’s opened. 

  • Always keep your coffee in an airtight container and store it in a cool and dark place, away from sunlight.

  • Avoid storing coffee in the fridge as it can affect the flavour.

  • If you want to freeze your coffee, do it right – freeze in small, airtight portions and only defrost what you need.

  • When buying coffee, go for beans with a recent roast date for the freshest taste.

  • Trust your senses! If your coffee doesn’t smell right or has lost its rich colour, it could be past its prime.

While these tips can help you perfect your coffee-making and storage at home, we know there are times when it’s best to call in the professionals. That’s where we come in. At The Barista, we’re committed to serving the freshest, highest-quality coffee at events across the UK. Our friendly baristas use only premium, freshly roasted beans to guarantee every single cup is perfect. Whether you’re planning an exhibition, trade show or corporate event, we’re here to help you make an impact with great coffee.

Want to learn more about our mobile coffee services or need advice on choosing the right coffee option for your event? Get in touch with us at hello@thebarista.co.uk or call 0345 257 5900.


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