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Cool down with these delicious cold coffee recipes

We’ve been treated to an absolutely cracking summer so far here in the UK! And while we would never, ever, complain about too much sunshine, it’s been difficult to keep cool at times. Luckily, hot weather is the perfect excuse for tasty, ice-cold treats to help cool us down.

Being the coffee fanatics we are, it won’t come as a surprise to you that our team like to indulge in delicious refreshments of the caffeinated variety. And, in our humble opinion, there’s really nothing better to fuel a hot afternoon’s work than an ice-cold coffee.

Do you like the idea of cold coffee, but aren’t 100% sure how to go about preparing one? Here are three of our favourite cold coffee recipes to get you started:

1. Iced Latte 

Iced lattes are great because you can customise them to exactly how you like.

Start by filling a glass 2/3 with ice cubes to get the glass down to temperature. Then, prepare your espresso as per the brew recipe. We would always recommend using an espresso or a ristretto (a shorter, more concentrated espresso) for this as it gives a great and well-rounded taste while still being cool enough to be refreshing.  

Once the espresso is ready, we’re onto the milk.

Pour your milk over the ice until it’s covered. What’s great about an iced latte is that you can use whatever type of milk you fancy. Oat or almond milk gives a rich, nutty flavour and full fat or semi-skimmed cow’s milk makes for a creamier beverage.

You can add a little sugar or syrup into the coffee if you like a dash of sweetness. Vanilla syrup can also be a nice touch, but make sure you give this a good stir before drinking.

You’re all set, find somewhere in the sun, take a seat and enjoy!


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2. Cold Brew

Cold brew coffee divides the crowd. Some swear by it and others can’t bare the taste of it. But it’s like Marmite – you’re really not going to know which team you’re on until you’ve tried it.

There’s a difference between coffee that’s served cold and cold brew. Cold lattes and frappes are prepared using regular coffee that’s been cooled. Cold brew, on the other hand, is created by adding cold or room temperature water to coffee grounds and brewing for between 12 to 24 hours. This creates a strong brew and a highly distinctive taste.

You can make your own at home by adding coffee and water to a cafetiere or Kilner jar and leaving it in the fridge overnight. To prepare this you’ll just need to filter out the coffee grounds and you’ll (hopefully) have a tasty and refreshing drink.  There are also plenty of coffee brands that sell their own cold brew in cans, which are great for when you’re on the go. Some of our favourites are….



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3. The Affogato

If you’ve not tried this one yet, you’re in for a real treat!

It’s perhaps our favourite way to enjoy cold coffee and is also one of the simplest to make. An affogato is an Italian classic that’s often enjoyed at the end of a meal. We’re firm believers that an affogato can be enjoyed at literally any point in the day.

All you need is a scoop of good quality vanilla ice cream and a shot of espresso. To start, get a small tumbler and pack in the ice cream into the bottom of the glass. Ensuring here that you leave a nice flat top. Next, pour the fresh espresso over the ice cream and grab your spoon. The ice-cream starts to melt and you get delicious spoonfuls of sweet, creamy coffee alongside the rich taste of vanilla ice-cream. Perfection!


Team affogatos in the sun! ☀?

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We hope you have fun experimenting with these recipes and enjoy the sunshine while it lasts! Do you know any other cold coffee recipes we haven’t mentioned? We’d love to hear about them. Tell us or share a picture on social media. We’re on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Want to learn more about our coffee? Visit our coffee page or get in touch to find out more about what we do.


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