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Are face-to-face events dying out in the digital age?

As technology advances around us, the way we interact with one another continues to evolve. From texting to FaceTime, conference calls to Skype meetings, we are surrounded by ways to make communicating remotely faster and simpler.

But what does this age of digital communication mean for the way we work with each other? And does our appetite for new technology mean face-to-face meetings and events are simply dying out?

Our answer to that would be a resolute no; we believe that there will always be a place for working together in person.

Ultimately, we’re human. Our relationships – both personal and professional – are cemented in the way we interact with one another. Conversation, eye contact and good, old fashioned manners; all these things are crucial components of building partnerships.

And it would seem that the events industry is inclined to agree with us.

A recent article for CMW magazine by Kerry Prince, portfolio director at ibtm events, asserted that ‘face-to-face isn’t going away – it’s getting stronger’

Prince argues that the events industry has embraced digital, creating ‘hybrid-events’ where technology only expands our opportunities to interact and share ideas. Events are now places to meet like-minded professionals and then further the discussion though a whole range of online channels.

You can live stream your stand to draw in more visitors, broadcast speakers via webinar or connect with a prospect on LinkedIn as they say goodbye. In these ways, our interactions are enhanced – not eclipsed – by technology, adding value to the face-to-face experience.

This is something that we see ring true at all the conferences and exhibitions we attend. People want the opportunity to meet in person and they want to put a face to a name as well as connecting online. After all, don’t the best conversations happen over a cup of coffee?

In our roles as baristas, we engage in small but significant human interactions day-in-day-out. A friendly wave, a simple ‘how are you?’ or wishing someone well as you hand them their latte; these are the honest currency of daily life. So, we might be biased, but we don’t see their value subsiding anytime soon.

Got an event coming up? We love working with new companies on conferences and exhibitions. Get in touch for a quote or to find out more about what we do.


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